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Luanda Cash Pawn Policy
Any personal property pledged to Luanda Cash, which is not redeemed within 30 days following the maturity date of the pawn, is automatically forfeited to Luanda Cash. No further notice is necessary, and the Pledgor is not obligated to redeem the pledged goods.
pawn Service Charges:
In this pawn transaction, Luanda Cash may contract for and receive a pawn service charge (Finance Charge) up to 25 percent of the Amount Financed for each 30-day period. The minimum pawn service charge is $5.00 for each such 30-day period. This charge consists of a 2 percent interest charge and the remainder in storage and service fees.
Redemption Fees:
On pledged goods redeemed within the first 30 days from the date of the pawn transaction, Luanda Cash may collect up to 25 percent pawn service charge. On pledged goods redeemed after the first 30 days but before the 61st day after the date of the pawn transaction, Luanda Cash may collect a pawn service fee equal to twice the amount charged for the first 30-day period.
Pawn Extension:
A pawn may be extended upon mutual agreement of the parties. In this event, the daily pawn service charge for the extension shall be equal to one-thirtieth of the original pawn service charge. If the pledgor wishes to continue the pawn after the initial 61 days, they may do so by maintaining timely payments of the pawn service charge up to the current date. "
Identification Requirements:
Proper identification is required for all redemptions. Any goods are only redeemable by the original Pledgor. For other types of loans, during the first 30 days after the original transaction date, only the original Pledgor or Pledgor's attorney-in-fact may redeem the pledged goods. After the first 30 days, only the original Pledgor or the Pledgor's authorized representative is entitled to redeem the pledged goods. The person redeeming the pledged goods must sign the Pledgor's copy of the pawnbroker transaction form
False Verification Warning:
Any person who knowingly gives false verification of ownership or provides false or altered identification and receives money from Luanda Cash for goods sold or pledged commits a felony, punishable by law.
Lost or Stolen Transaction Form:
If the pawnbroker transaction form is lost, destroyed, or stolen, the Pledgor must immediately advise Luanda Cash in writing by certified or registered mail or in person, evidenced by a signed receipt.
Lost or Damaged Pledged Goods:
If the pledged goods are lost or damaged while in Luanda Cash's possession, Luanda Cash may satisfy the Pledgor's claim by replacing the item with a like kind of merchandise of equal value, with which the Pledgor can reasonably replace the goods. Such replacement is a defense to any civil action based upon the loss or damage of the goods.
Litigation or Arbitration:
In the event of litigation or arbitration, the losing party shall be responsible for all the attorney's fees of both parties.
Redemption by Mail:
"Pledged goods may be redeemed by mail by agreement between the Pledgor and Luanda Cash. The Pledgor must pay in advance all monies due, including a charge by Luanda Cash to recover the cost and expenses involved in packaging, insuring, and shipping of the pledged goods."
No Oral Representations:
No oral representation shall in any way change or modify these written conditions, and such oral representation shall in no way be binding upon Luanda Cash.
Florida Pawn Broker Transaction Policy
Any person who knowingly gives false verification of ownership or gives a false or altered identification and who receives money from a Pawnbroker for goods sold or pledged commits: (a) If the value of the money received is less than $300, a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s.775.082, s.775.083, or s.775.084. (b) If the value of the money received is $300 or more, a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s.775.082, s.775.083, or s.775.084. In consideration of and to secure the amount identified as the Total of Payments, Pledgor hereby deposits with the issuer of this pawn ticket the Pledged Goods described on the reverse hereof. The Pledgor/Seller represents and warrants that the pledged/sold goods are not stolen, rented, or leased, and that they have no liens or encumbrances against them. Pledgor/ Seller also aftests to be the rightful owner of the pledged/sold property, and that Pledgor/Seller has the right to pledge/sell the property. Pledgor/Seller attests that the Pledgor/ Seller is not in voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy af any type and is at least 18 years of age. Pledgor/Seller warrants that all personal information has been removed from the goods being pledged/sold. This includes but is not limited to personal information stored on computers, laptops, PDAs, cell phones and tablet pads. If Pledgor fails to remove his or her personal information from the goods being pledged, Pawnbroker shall not be responsible for any unforeseen or inappropriate use of it. Any personal property pledged to a Pawnbroker within this state which is not redeemed within 30 days following the maturity date of the pawn, if the 30th day is not a business day, then the following business day, is automatically forfeited to the Pawnbroker, and absolute right, title, and interest in and to the property vests in and is deemed conveyed to the Pawnbroker by operation of law, and no further notice is necessary. The Pledgor is not obligated to redeem the pledged goods. In this pawn transaction a Pawnbroker may contract for and receive a pawn service charge (Finance Charge) of 25 percent of the Amount Financed for each 30-day period, except that the Pawnbroker is entitled to receive a minimum pawn service charge of $5.00 for each such 30-day period. This pawn service charge consists of 2 percent interest charge and the remainder in storage and service fees. On pledged goods redeemed within the first 30 days from the date of the pawn transaction, a Pawnbroker may collect a 25 percent pawn service charge. On pledged goods redeemed after the first 30 days but before the 61st day after the date of the pawn transaction, a Pawnbroker may collect a pawn service fee equal to twice the amount charged for the first 30-day period. A pawn may be extended upon mutual agreement of the parties. All extensions must be documented in writing. In this event, the daily pawn service charge for the extension shall be equal to one-thirtieth of the original pawn service charge. Proper identification required on all redemptions. Firearms only redeemable by the original Pledgor. During the first 30 days after the original transaction date only the original Pledgor or Pledgor's attorney-in-fact may redeem the pledged goods. After the first 30 days, only the original Pledgor or the Pledgor's authorized representative is entitled to redeem the pledged goods (firearms excluded); however, if the Pawnbroker determines that the person is not the original Pledgor, or the Pledgor's authorized representative, the Pawnbroker is not required to allow the redemption of the pledged goods by such person. The person redeeming the pledged goods must sign the Pledgor's copy of the pawnbroker transaction form, which the pawnbroker will retain as evidence of the person's receipt of the pledged goods. If the person redeeming the pledged goods is the Pledgor's authorized representative, that person must present notarized authorization from the original Pledgor and show identification to the Pawnbroker and the Pawnbroker shall record that person's name, address and identification on the pawnbroker transaction form retained by the pawnshop. If the pawnbroker transaction form is lost, destroyed, or stolen, the Pledgor must immediately advise the issuing Pawnbroker in writing by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or in person evidenced by a signed receipt. If the pledged goods are lost or damaged while in the Pawnbroker's possession, the Pawnbroker may satisfy the Pledgor's claim by replacing the item with like kind of merchandise of equal value, with which the Pledgor can reasonably replace the goods. Such replacement is a defense to any civil action based upon the loss or damage of the goods. In the event of litigation or arbitration, the losing party shall be responsible for all the attorney fees of both parties. Pledged goods may be redeemed by mail by agreement between the Pledgor and the Pawnbroker. The Pledgor must pay in advance all monies due and a charge by the Pawnbroker to recover the cost and expenses involved in packaging, insuring, and shipping of the pledged goods. The Pawnbroker shall insure the pledged goods in an amount acceptable to the Pledgor. The Pawnbroker's liability for loss or damage in connection with the shipment of such pledged goods is limited to the amount of the insurance coverage obtained. No oral representation shall in any way change or modify these written conditions, and such oral representations shall in no way be binding upon the issuer of this pawn ticket. Customer Privacy Notice: We collect nonpublic personal information about you as a consumer, customer or former customer from the following sources: Information we receive from you on our pawn forms, loan documents, sales documents, or other forms; information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others. 1) We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about our customers or former customers to anyone, except to our affiliates and as permitted by law. 2) We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. 3) We maintain safeguards that restrict access to your nonpublic personal information.